By Sabrina Sandbeck

I found that there was a lot of talking about the barriers women face and the need for them to join the trades, but there wasn’t a lot of talk about solutions.  

If someone had told me a few years ago that I would be working in the construction sector and leading discussions to find solutions for women, I would have not believed them. Today, I wish I could go back and tell myself to work in the trades because women in construction represent strength in every way.   

A few years ago, I worked in the sports and entertainment industry which is male dominated similarly to the construction sector. Over the years, I realized that in addition to being male dominated, the construction industry has unclear pathways for establishing a career and is often considered secondary to career paths that require post-secondary education.  

 A few weeks ago, I hosted the first Women in Construction Working Group meeting. It included contractors, unions, women skilled trades workers, and fellow BCIB employees. In that conversation, I realized that there are key aspects that can be addressed, including the lack of representation, education, and exposure for women. The discussions revealed that there is a desire for greater representation of women in the trades, and that there is a need for increased education about the skilled trades amongst girls and women.   

This means that when a young girl reads about women in the trades or attends a skilled trades event, like the Women in Construction event I attended this week, she should be able to hear from women, not just men. The same applies on jobsites; sometimes women do not feel comfortable discussing certain issues or subjects with men.  

Among various topics discussed, there exist stigmas surrounding the construction industry that extend beyond gender. For example, the stigma that suggests that working in construction is less valuable than attending university, which is entirely inaccurate. It is one of the numerous stigmas associated with the construction sector that can be addressed through comprehensive education.  

As the working group I started expands and continues to meet, the aim is to provide women with practical solutions. Some solutions may be minor, some significant, and some may fall outside of our control. However, proposing solutions is more effective than engaging in discussions about what’s not working.  

Women have so much to contribute to the trades and it is important to find solutions that put them in the best position to support the industry. Over the years, I have seen many women eager to join the trades. Solutions need to be implemented for women who want to work in construction. 

I hope I can make a difference for the next generation of women skilled trades workers by presenting solutions and taking action to create inclusive and supportive spaces. With appropriate solutions and actions there might come a day where men and women are equally represented in construction. Some might say that is not possible, but a few years ago I would have also said the same to anybody that told me I would be leading a Women in Construction Working Group. The future for women in the trades is looking brighter than ever.  

Sabrina is the Associate Manager of Workforce Equity and Deployment at BCIB.